When it comes to priorities many of us would put good health at the top of our list. But when only 5% of us are getting the recommended 30 minutes of exercise each day[1], and…
Tagged By exercise
7 Tips for a Great Start to Your Day [Guest Post]
(This is a Guest Post by Zoe Anderson) There are mornings when you wake up and things just start to click right away. You feel like you’re at your best and can do anything.…
7 Ways I’ve Reduced Anxiety in My Life
A year ago I never knew what anxiety was. I knew the definition of anxiety, but had personally never experienced it and therefore couldn’t truly empathise with anyone who had it. I remember once saying…
Mirror Mirror on the Wall… Who’s the Toughest of them all?
Who’s the toughest of them all? Not me. Or so I found out during my inaugural “attempt” at the Tough Mudder challenge (note quotation marks around the word attempt, but we’ll get back to that).…