Many people ask me what it is about yoga that resonates with me, and I seem to take a breath and pause at the question, almost overwhelmed with the reasoning… The fact of the matter…

Many people ask me what it is about yoga that resonates with me, and I seem to take a breath and pause at the question, almost overwhelmed with the reasoning… The fact of the matter…
This is a guest post. Generally speaking, people are often quite sceptical about the benefits of yoga. After all, it’s one of the gentlest forms of exercise – what could it possibly offer that a…
Yoga is pretty much a way of life, and it can have some amazing benefits, not just to our bodies, but to our mental state as well. If you’re having trouble relaxing or struggling with…
I’ve been back from my 7-day detox for a week now, and when people ask me “how was the detox?!” with an excitable smile (anticipating stories of my newfound serenity and rejuvenated internal cleanliness)…
Who’s the toughest of them all? Not me. Or so I found out during my inaugural “attempt” at the Tough Mudder challenge (note quotation marks around the word attempt, but we’ll get back to that).…