“Even on the Shittiest Day, There’s At Least One Thing I Can Be Grateful For” | Jacinta’s Spin on #100HappyDays

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Jacinta BurnicleHi Guys, Jules here (grateful to be here…blogging like it’s hot J). A long-time Facebook-Friend of mine (sometimes they’re the best kind),  had been following Jodie Marsh (Official) and her “100 Days of Happiness Challenge” (you’ve probably seen it around on one social media platform or another… unless you’ve been living off Facebook or Instagram in which I’m wondering… how the fark did you find this blog?!). I was excited and intrigued to learn that my friend Jacinta planned to put her own spin on #100HappyDays….  Every day, for the next 100 days, Jacinta has committed to  posting things that she’s grateful for (essentially, demonstrating her understanding that,  to be happy, you also need to be Grateful, “even on the shittiest day”, she quotes, “there is at least 1 thing I can be grateful for”.

Now I know this whole ‘thing’ is a bit of a …. ‘thing’ but here’s what’s different about Jacinta’s… as you look through her grateful selections for the first 25 days below, you’ll see how they’ve really required a significant moment in consideration and thought. She’s doing more than snapping something in front of her that’s made her smile (although I appreciate that kind of happiness-capture too) – Jacinta is peeling back the layers of her life and revealing her inner truth, her inner essence and being, through gratitude. It’s been so cool to watch these daily posts in my newsfeed, never knowing if it was going to be something simple and surprising, or personal and revealing. I’ve literally watched, as you’ll see from day #1 to day #25, as Jacinta becomes stronger in articulating herself, to herself. I was so pleased Jacinta agreed to share her spin on happiness with us. I’m so looking forward to interviewing her on the outcomes in part two, to follow.

Go ahead and have a browse through the daily headings and stop down for a minute on anything that surprises you or that you like. Certainly don’t expect you to read this word for word but do yourself and make sure you check out day #25 at the bottom. It’s just absolutely beautiful.

I am grateful that I have a job. I am grateful that I can earn an income, work with wonderful people and achieve fulfillment no matter how small, each day from what I contribute.


Day #2 of 100 days of Gratitude = #FOOD while having my lunch break.
I am grateful that l have the abundant choice of good nutritious food and clean drinking water. I am able to feed my body and mind every single day. I have never had to experience malnourishment or contaminated drinking water or ever know what it truly feels like to starve.


Day #3 of Gratitude = MY SISTER IN LAW
I am truly grateful that l have this beautiful, caring and kind hearted woman in my life. I am grateful that she always shares the beautiful text messages and updates of my Nieces and Nephew that make my heart fill with and happiness. She is always so obliging and l always feel welcome in her home and included in their lives. You could not ask for a more loving and caring mother and wife and beautiful addition to our family. You’re a very special lady xx


Day #4 of 100 days of gratitude = ANZACS
Today we remember, ‘Lest We Forget’. Men and Boys who left their families, sweet hearts, children and everything behind to fight for the freedom l have today.I am so TRULY GRATEFUL for the life l can lead today, because so many sacrificed their own.


Day #5 of 100 days of Gratitude =READING
l am grateful that l have the ability to read. I can run away into other worlds and get lost for days if l wish. The ability to read is a very empowering skill, allowing unlimited knowledge of the world around me, and l am truly grateful that l have it.


Day #6 of 100 Days of Gratitude = BEING ALIVE
The ultimate thing to be grateful for. Today, just feeling the sun on my face, the breeze on my skin, smelling the fresh, crisp air of Autumn and hearing the sounds around me, all very small things, but a huge reminder I am ALIVE.
I am grateful I woke up this morning and have been given another day to LIVE. Another day to love, laugh and take it all in.
STOP – all of you, just for 1 minute and stand still. Listen, Smell, Feel, Breathe in Deeply. You’re alive. You can’t get more powerful than that.


Day #7 of 100 Days of Gratitude – I KNEW MY GRANDMOTHERS

I am grateful that I have known both my grandmothers in my life time. I am very lucky that I have had two very different and amazing women, who have been a very strong and positive influence in my childhood and adulthood.
My paternal grandmother passed in 2009 and I still miss her so very much, but I have so many wonderful memories of her. Hundreds of them.

I am also very lucky to still have my maternal grandmother and what an amazing story she has.
I see my mum with her own grandchildren, and can see just how special Nannas are, there is no other relationship like it. You can have your secrets, your ‘special times’ and things that are strictly Nanna and grandchild ONLY. No Mum and Dad allowed

The relationship I had/have with my grandmothers is so very special and unique, there is nothing like it. I could spend so much time sharing all my stories and that is just proof of how lucky I have been.

So a shout out to your Nanna; Gran; Nonna; Oma; Yaya; Lola; Yeay; however she is/was affectionately known. THEY RULE!!


Day #8 of 100 Days of Gratitude = MY HOME
Today was a cold, wet day and this evening when I was driving home, I realised how truly grateful I am to have a house.
It’s not modern. It’s not what would be considered a big home. It doesn’t have the latest kitchen facilities, and the bathroom is big enough just, for one person at a time. But I love it.
It is the house my nan and pop built in the early 80’s and in this house are so many wonderful memories of family, special celebrations and the time spent with my paternal grandmother that I treasure so much.
I have never known what it is like to be homeless, having nowhere I can go every night to lay my head and be safe and warm. I have never had to feel the bitter cold, or damp night air while fearing for my safety, as thousands do every night, as so many are as I am writing this.
I have shelter, I have privacy, I fear no harm and for that I am grateful.


Day #9 of 100 Days of Gratitude = LAUGHTER
I am grateful that I have a sense of humour, one that allows me to see the funny side of things, and help me try not to take things so seriously.
Today was a day I really do not want to do over, but I was still able to laugh through out the day. Tonight I have chosen to watch something that will make me laugh out loud, and help wash all negative energy away.
Laughter would have to be ONE of my favourite things to do, I really get a ‘high’ from it. It helps me relax, helps with my anxiety, gets those good feeling chemicals int he brain flooding in.
I am also very grateful that I have lots of people in my life that get my sense of humour and I can share the fun with, especially my husband.
And laughter IS the best medicine, I have been home now 2 hours and I feel 100% mentally better already.


Day #10 of 100 Days of Gratitude = MY BROTHER
I am grateful that I have a relationship with my brother. He is my only sibling, and I am very lucky that we actually like each other. (We do yeah Damo? – yet to be confirmed by him ha ha).
Seriously though, I am very grateful that we have each other and we have a strong relationship and a family bond that will continue on til when we’re old and grey and have said good bye to our parents.
When we were kids, there were times , oh so many times, we wanted to kill each other, and I remember my mum saying “You may not believe this now, but when you two are older, you will be very good friends.”
And as always , mum was right, and I am glad.
My brother to me is, AMAZING. As a teen, I was always jealous of how popular he was at school, how he didn’t appear to have a worry in the world, and he never seemed to be afraid to do ANYTHING or care what other people thought of him. All I ever saw was a mountain of self confidence, that I craved to have myself, so much. I wanted to be just like him.
Now that I am older, that jealousy, has become nothing but pure admiration and I think that is what it always was. I am so proud of him, so proud of the man he’s become.
I am grateful that he lets me be the Aunty I want to be with his three beautiful children and, he gets my sense of humour.
Love Ya Bro!


Day #11 of 100 Days of Gratitude = MY HEALTH
Today l am grateful for my health and well being. Even though l woke up this morning with a head cold and aching body, l know that after a couple of days rest l will get better and l don’t have to go through painful procedures to get there.
I am grateful for the support around me, to help keep me mentally well.
I have not had to deal with very serious health issues, or suffer a debilitating physical illness and for that l am truly thankful.


Day #12 of 100 Days of Gratitude = MY SENSE OF SMELL
Still got this head cold, and it has made me think one of my senses I miss at the moment, smell.
I am grateful for my sense of smell. I am grateful that I can enjoy an array of different aromas, that make me feel good.
I love the scent of a beautiful perfume, the smell of rain on hot tar roads in Summer or freshly cut lawn in Spring, or the burning wood fires on a crisp evening while out taking a walk.
My sense of smell allows me experience the amazing flavours of foods, andnit can also trigger fond memories, such as when ever I smell a certain perfume, I remember my friend Louise and it makes me smile.
It also lets me know when I am burning our dinner.


Day #13 of 100 Days of Gratitude = MY DOCTOR
l am very grateful that l have a Dr, who is empathetic and caring. I am grateful that whenever l am unwell l am always able to make an appointment with them or l don’t have to wait days.
I am grateful that basic health care is affordable and accessible whenever l need it.
I don’t have to forego treatments or wait weeks or even months to be treated and l am not at high risk of dying from any common illnesses, because l have easy access to medical treatment.
I am very grateful that my health will never be an issue that l cannot confront or be treated for.


Day #14 of 100 Days of Gratitude = MY VOICE
When a whisper can be as powerful as a scream and one word can say so much more than a paragraph, l am grateful l have a voice.
l am grateful l have the ability to voice my opinion. I have the freedom to say what l feel and not be persecuted or imprisoned for my words and thoughts. I have the ability to openly communicate with those around me, tell those l care about that l love them and YELL my heart out when l need to purge.
I can sing if l want to, which makes me feel happy or l can choose to not utter a single word and revel in the power of silence.
Today, l cannot talk due to illness, but it helps me reflect on how lucky l am l have the power every other day to be heard and noticed. I have the ability to stand up for myself and for others. Words can be weapons and can severely hurt in an instant, or they can be savoured and held in our hearts, cherished forever.
Be grateful you all have a voice, but be considerate with what you choose to say.


Day #15 of 100 Days of Gratitude = MY DAD
I am very grateful that I have had a positive male role model in my life like my father. He has taught me many important things in my life, and has influenced my principles and values but has also taught me to be true to myself.
Dad has always been a very hard worker, and I have learned from him to have a good work ethic. He turns 70 years old in June and he’s still working very hard. Dad has taught me that you earn the things you want, nothing is just handed to you, and it never was. From a very young age he taught us the value of money, and that you have to give in order to get back.
Family has always been the highest priority for him, so I have been very lucky to have a dad that provided for us, we never went without. Dad has only ever loved my brother and myself unconditionally, and even though I am sure I have made some life decisions he has not always agreed with, he has never judged me or made me feel bad about myself.
My dad has taught me self worth, and not to accept anything or anybody less than I deserve. He is a man of few words, but his actions speak so much louder, and they have always been caring and kind.
Dad has not only been a wonderful father, but he is a brilliant Poppy, Uncle and Friend to many. He is very well respected and I am so proud of him.
I truly admire my father and he is and will always be, my first true love.


Day #16 of 100 Days of Gratitude = MY MARRIAGE
I am very Grateful that I am married to my best friend. He has always supported me 100% in everything I have done or any decisions I make. He always has my back, and would take on the world for me, and he does this selflessly.
He is patient and calming, and he always knows how to manage me, and trust me, I AM high maintenance. Any other man would have thrown in the towel by now, but he sticks by me no matter how hard I push.
I know that I am very lucky to have met somebody who just gets me, and accepts me for who I am. He is loyal, kind and compassionate and has never in all the time I have known him, ever said an unkind word to me, even in anger. NEVER.
He is one of the smartest people I know, and I enjoy our deep, intellectual conversations, but I also love that he has the most wicked sense of humour and can make me laugh until I cry. We spend all our spare time together, which some people think is weird, but I figure, why marry somebody you don’t want to spend time with?
As the saying goes “You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your Prince.
Well, I call ‘Bull Shit’ on that!
I kissed all those frogs, because I believed that was the best I would ever do. Who could ever, TRULY, love ME?
I am GRATEFUL that I grew as a person, learned to love myself enough to believe that I should be treated with the utmost respect and adoration.
Instead of a Prince though, I found a King.
Every day I have with him is precious, and although we drive each other CRAZY, sometimes, (OK, a minimum of once a day) I cannot imagine my life without him in it. He makes me want to be the best person I can be.

I am not saying it’s always been smooth sailing for the last 14 years, that is unrealistic. Our marriage, like any relationship, can be and will be hard work. Anything really worth having requires it.
We have not been able to have children of our own, but I see Hubby with our Nieces and Nephew, and he is a pretty awesome ‘Uncle Matt’.

I KNOW I am very lucky to have the marriage I have. I’ve witnessed friends go through relationship break ups, or death of a partner, and I can only imagine the pain they have dealt with, or are dealing with right now.
So try not to end your day with an argument, or say goodbye without saying “I love you,”. Even if you’re pissed off with each other, and I mean smashing plates, wanna scream, I could wring your neck, PASSIONATE angry. Because every second you have together is precious.


Day #17 of 100 Days of Gratitude = PEOPLE WHO GOT ME THROUGH TODAY
I am Grateful that I have a strong support network of people in my life, that can help me get through rough days. Family, Friends and Colleagues.

I think about how lonely and isolating it must be for those people who don’t have anybody to turn to when things get bumpy, or they’re having a ‘blue’ day. Not having anybody to rely on to be there when they just need to talk or to help them out when in need. I know there are people who are ‘alone’ in every sense of the word. I see some of them every day.

So today I give a very heart felt THANK YOU (you know who you all are) for being gentle, firm but supportive and helping me cut through ‘my’ crap.
I am very Grateful for all of you.


Day #18 of 100 Days of Gratitude = MY MUM

I am Grateful that I have the mum I have, and I am very lucky to be able to spend Mother’s Day with her tomorrow.
I am Grateful that my mum has always worked very hard to provide for her family, but she was also always there when we were young for the special things, like school plays, swimming lessons, sports days, reading lessons, the list goes on. I know she wishes she could have done things differently, but the truth is, there is no way she could have been a better mother.

We were and are, so loved, and you can’t replace that with anything else. NOTHING replaces a mother’s love.
Mum ensured that TV time was limited ( can you imagine how as a kid that was painful) and family time was a high priority. Dinner was at the table and we shared our day as a family. We had game nights, we were encouraged to read, and to play and be creative. I am very grateful that that was our childhood. Because as the years fly past and I get older, those memories are irreplaceable. I am Grateful that I have memories of laughter, and doing things together as a family, instead of an oblivion of hours lost on staring at the television.
I only have happy, wonderful memories of my childhood.
She did so much for me and my brother. Like my 6th Birthday Party where I invited EVERY single kid in my Grade 1 class, and she let me, and gave me a birthday party suited for a Princess!! That’s how I remember it.
She is a wonderful Grandmother who ADORES her grandchildren, and watching her with them now, reminds me of how extraordinarily lucky I have been and still am.

I know I wasn’t the be best teenage daughter ( I was a nightmare) but my mum loved me no matter what, no matter how hard I made it for her.
My friends always told me how wonderful my mum was, and how lucky I was to have her, and I only wish that back then, I had the maturity enough to realise it.

I am GRATEFUL that I matured emotionally, and that the relationship I have with my mum now has developed into a friendship that is so dear to me. I am lucky that I can talk to her openly and honestly, and she can still give me guidance. Mum has always had a very positive outlook on life, and I know that I have gotten a lot of my personal development and growth from her.

My mother is a gracious lady, who has taught me to choose my friends wisely, always try and take the positive out of life, and never take anything in life for granted. She has influenced my principals and morals and helped me aspire to be the best I can be. She has influenced the way I treat others, and I hope that I will always only ever be kind and compassionate, just like she is.

Today, tomorrow and every day I have my Mum, is a very special day.
Happy Mother’s Day Mum. This day is for YOU.


Day #19 of 100 Days of Gratitude = POSITIVE FEMALE ROLE MODELS

Today I spent Mother’s Day with my Mum and Nan. Three generations of ,what I to believe are very strong and independent women.
So today I am GRATEFUL that I have been raised with women in my life that have been very positive and strong female role models.

I have always been told that I can be what ever I want to be, do what ever I want to do. There are no limits, dream big and believe. But what ever I do, do it with pride and self respect.All the women in my life that have guided me through, have been unique in their own way, and so STRONG. Apart from my Mother and Grandmothers, there are my Aunts, Cousins, certain
Teachers, friends’ mothers, and Managers (who surprisingly have ALL been women) that I have taken a lesson from along the way.
That you can be feminine and sexy without being tarty, and you don’t have to play ‘dumb’ to be attractive to the opposite sex. You can be intellectual, funny and self confident and you will attract the RIGHT people into your life, men and women.
And STRONG doesn’t mean you should be afraid to show emotion.

I have never felt inferior, or that it is ‘A Man’s World’ and I would always have to fight my way to get where I want to be in my career. These women have shown me that to be a strong independent woman, doesn’t mean you don’t need men in your life, but to choose wisely who those men will be. They have shown me that you can be independent but it’s also OK to ‘need’ a man and that doesn’t make you weak.. They have also shown me how to respect a man, and treat them no less than they deserve, because as long as you’re being treated like a Queen, my ladies, your men (or women) only deserve to be treated in kind.

There as so many amazing women that I am an awe of. The women that hold down a full time job, and then go home to children to keep on working (cos I know that job is 24/7). Women that are raising kids as single parents, TOTAL RESPECT.
The women that paved the way for all of us in the past, so that we can move forward to closer equality now and in the future and be valued for what we contribute in the workforce.
Women that have influenced the Sciences, Arts, Medicine, Education and Global
Affairs. The women that played a big part in keeping things ticking over while their men went off to war.

I am Woman… hear me ROAR!


Day #20 of 100 Days of Gratitude = REAL FRIENDS

Today I am truly GRATEFUL for my friends. My REAL Friends. The friends that ask me how I am, and genuinely want to know. Friends who really know me (sometimes better than I know myself) and can call “Bullshit” when I need it.

I am Grateful that I can tell the difference between a REAL Friend and a ‘Fair Weather’ one. Those friends that selflessly give, even their last $1 so that you can get through, over those that are only around for what they can get out of the relationship.
I decided a long time ago, not to surround myself with negative people, and unfortunately that did mean cutting ties with some people, that I had had in my life for a very long time. But life is too short to have anybody in your life that pulls you down, spits on your dreams and doesn’t believe in you.

My Real Friends are very dear to me. They fulfill my life. They make me laugh, hold me when I cry, pick me up when I fall (over and over) and ensure that I am happy. REAL friends don’t have to be in your face 24/7. They can be the friends you don’t talk to for ages, but when you pick up the phone, or call in for coffee, you can just pick up from where you left off. They are the people that you think about often, and they make you smile.

REAL friends are those you can confide in completely, bare your soul to, and you know that what you share will not go anywhere else. They don’t gossip about you, or are nice to face while talking shit behind your back. Real friends CARE about your feelings, and real friends don’t throw you under the bus.

You may only be able to count your REAL Friends on one hand, but if it means that you have a HANDFUL OF GOLD, then you are truly rich in so many ways.


Day #21 of 100 Days of GRATITUDE = STRUGGLES

Today, I am really struggling to find something to be Grateful for. I mean REALLY struggling. It has been one of those days, nearly one of those weeks. I am struggling with my health, dealing with pneumonia and feeling a little sorry for oneself. Honestly A LOT sorry for myself. (Insert Pity Party Here).
I feel tired and emotional and I look around and think, REALLY! You’ve got NOTHING to be GRATEFUL for TODAY??

So I AM GRATEFUL for my struggles. The small ones the big ones. Struggles in my life help me grow as a person. They help me develop strength and resilience. They help me appreciate what I do have. We cannot have TRIUMPH without STRUGGLE.

Yeah, life would be so much better if it was just pure smooth sailing, and we never had to feel heartache, hurt, personal loss or defeat. But how can we truly enjoy the successes and wins we achieve, if we don’t have the struggles to deal with?

I also believe that we need to respect other people’s life’s struggles, no matter how small they seem to us. What is a blip on our radar, can be an absolute devastation to another, and we should never ignore anybody that asks for help. No matter how small the issue may seem to us. We all have different coping mechanisms, and we should respect the needs of individuals.

We are all only human, we all have our weaknesses and self doubts, but we ALL have the ability to find strength in overcoming ANYTHING life throws at us. Even if it takes some time, it’s always worth sticking it out, because it DOES get better. YOU WILL get better.


Day #22 of 100 Days of Gratitude = THE ABILITY TO FORGIVE

Today I am Grateful that I have the ability to forgive. To forgive those that have done wrong by me, and to forgive myself. The ability to forgive is important for healing and growth. It gives me the ability to have a new beginning, and to let go of what doesn’t make me happy, let go of any anger.

Forgiveness is not always easy, In fact it can be extremely hard. Sometimes I don’t want to say sorry, because I feel hard done by, and I think that not forgiving is a suitable form of punishment. Sometimes I think that not forgiving, gives me some kind of special power over someone. But really, it doesn’t. It only ever seems to fester, and make me feel even angrier about a situation. And it can actually make me feel physically ill. How can that be healthy?

One of my favourite quotes is “Holding onto anger, is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” (Buddha)
It is true for me, the only person that has ever truly been hurt from me holding a grudge and holding onto anger is myself.
I have seen people who refuse to forgive somebody, and seen how it makes them so bitter. It causes them pain and sometimes even more heartache than for the person they are angry with. Because they can’t let go of the past they can’t move forward, they are never truly at peace.

I find it easier to forgive others, before I forgive myself. I don’t know why. Maybe because naturally we are our own worst critics. I can be extremely hard on myself, and those that know me well, know that I have very high self expectations and I can be very quick to cut myself down. Self forgiveness is something I have to work on every day and it includes the small negative self talk that can creep into my thoughts, as well as the bigger “Oh wow Jacinta, you really did F#ck up right there” moments.

The fact that I have the ability to forgive is quite powerful. I am grateful that I have the choice, but mostly I am grateful that I have the emotional maturity to know when to ‘just let it go’ and move on, and really feel inner peace.

Day #23 of 100 Days of Gratitude = MY DOG

Today I am Grateful for one of my most beloved companions. My dog.
Over the last few days, he has been constantly at my side (whether I want him there or not ha ha), keeping me company and helping me convalesce. He never asks anything more from me, than a cuddle every now and then, and to be fed and watered. Oh and a decent supply of dental sticks. Seriously what do they put in those things? They are like ‘Crack’ for dogs!

All I ever wanted was a King Charles Cavalier called Alfie. Named so after one of my all time favourite actors, Michael Caine. And when his mum was in pup, I anxiously waited and waited, while all his sisters were born. There was one pup left, and I hoped with all my heart it would be ‘an Alfie’. And sure enough, he came into the world, just for me.

Sure, he snores loudly in the middle of the night, breaking my sleep, and he emits smells that would give the military a run for its money when it comes to chemical warfare, but my love for him is so abundant, as his is for me. He has given me 4.5 years of pure JOY so far. When I return home at the end of each day, there he is waiting for me, wagging his tail (his whole bum), and just bursting to cover me with kisses. He is a good listener, and he doesn’t have to try and solve all my problems. He never judges me, he is 100% loyal, he holds no conditions on our relationship and he forgives in a second. To him I AM perfect and he enjoys my company.

Maybe I over compensate too much with him, using him as a replacement baby, the one I can’t have, but he’s not complaining. I am not complaining either. The only downside is, that there is 99.9% chance I will outlive him. I know I only have him for a very short time, compared to my own life expectancy; it’s a heartbeat in time. But I am very grateful for the now. And while I sit here writing this, while Alfie does what Alfie does best, snoring, I reach out and stroke that cute little head and my heart swells with love.


Day #24 of 100 Days of Gratitude – I GREW UP WITH MY COUSINS

Today I am Grateful for growing up with my Cousins, and the relationship that I still have with them. In my immediate family there is only myself and my brother, so to have a tribe of Cousins to knock around with on weekends and school holidays has been a very special memory of mine. For geographical reasons, I have had the opportunity to spend more time with certain cousins than I have with others, but they are all very special to me. Even those I only saw very rarely, Jess, Billy and Stella. We’re family, we share the same DNA. We are blood.

I have so many wonderful childhood memories of outdoor adventures (you know, before computers, mobile phones, and there was never anything on TV during the day) and imaginative play. School holidays spent at the Blighty Pub that my Grandparents owned and ran with my Uncle for a couple of years, were some of the best times I remember. Blighty is a country town (not even a town really) that is between Finley and Deniliquin NSW and it is what we called as kids ‘A Hole’. But we had so much fun, SO MUCH FUN. Yabbying in the canal; taking the three wheeler motorbike for a hoon (and nearly flipping it more than once, our parents never knew how close we came to imminent severe injury or death) in the paddocks and just laughing, all the time.

Then there was the Summer I spent with my cousin Leah at my Nan’s in Deni, playing tennis nearly all day long then spending all evening watching it on TV. Or when Richo and I would get up at 5am on a Saturday morning so we could watch the Top 40 countdown on RAGE from start to finish. I don’t think I know what 5am looks like anymore ha ha. Remembering when our youngest cousins were born, that was pretty exciting as a kid. Isaac and Sam, oh the stories I could tell about you two, (I think you educated Broni too, and she was from a family of 8 brothers and sisters) my adventures in baby sitting. I loved every second of it. I survived it too.

I knew back then that those times were special, and one day, when we were older and had our own lives to live, we wouldn’t have so many of these times anymore. Now we’re all adults, and we’re all over the Country, but we still keep in touch (thank you technology) and every single one of them are very special individuals. I am so very proud of every single one of you.
I am Grateful that I had the experience I did and so many, many wonderful memories that I will hold onto forever. I truly love you all. And Justin it was wonderful talking to you today x


Day #25 of 100 Days of Gratitude = TOMORROW

Today I feel Broken
When I can start afresh
And begin to wash away the sorrow

I felt so small and crumpled
But then you held my hand
I could straighten up a little
And I am starting to stand

My bruises are hidden
They are deep in mind
So when you do speak me
Please let your words be kind

Because TODAY I feel broken
And if you lead me to light
I will be ready to follow

This battle I wage in head
What a fight!
Sometimes I can win
Sometimes it rages all night

My heart is so open
To self growth and change
Those that have not felt ‘The Blues’
May think this sounds strange

But, TODAY I feel Broken
Where I can begin to fill up this void
When I can stop feeling so hollow

I AM a strong person
I am NOT helpless or weak
Just that sometimes I get wobbly
Then my wheels start to squeak

I am lucky you heard them
I am thankful you cared
Because even though I act tough
Sometimes I’m quite scared

So, even though Today I feel Broken


Where I can start to take back my life
Because there’s no other, I want to borrow



– Stay Tuned for Part Two of this Blog, where I’ll interview Jacinta after 100 days of Gratitude, to find out how the process has impacted her life. Please join me in thanking Jacinta for sharing her personal challenge with all of us… I’m learning a thing or two even as a reader/follower. x Jules


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