We all know ‘Ed’ from Big Brother… yes, that one who’s been labelled ‘Prince Charming and ‘Mr. Right’ by the girls and a ‘good lad’ by the boys. As if he doesn’t already have enough…

We all know ‘Ed’ from Big Brother… yes, that one who’s been labelled ‘Prince Charming and ‘Mr. Right’ by the girls and a ‘good lad’ by the boys. As if he doesn’t already have enough…
Look at this this picture. What connotations does it bring up for you? What do you think of the girl? If you’re like me, you might draw the simple conclusion that when someone is…
Last week, year-eleven schoolgirl Olympia Nelson sparked quite a debate around the good old ‘Selfie’, with over 5,000 Facebook-users ‘recommending’ her article, “The Dark Undercurrents of Teenage Girls’ Selfies”. In her piece, published by the…
Long haul flights are brutal enough. When first boarding and carefully organising your precious inches of cabin-space; everyone smiles politely at one another and offers whispered ‘pardons and apologies’ in understanding the mutual pain you…