Strange Street Performer (Video) | Mindset Equals Money

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I’ve always admired street performers, because they are making the most of their situation & offering some light to the world in the process. They don’t have a negative, ‘victim’ mindset or lazy disposition, but operate with a ‘work-hard for reward’ attitude, probably in one of its purest forms.

Aside from talent, which is ambiguous – the enthusiasm & effort are key elements that stop onlookers in their tracks to stare. People value, and get their wallets out, to reward someone giving it a crack, having a go, and making an   effort. Doing something.

This street performer (video) is unquestionably odd, and opinions on his approach would vary – but look at him work. And it pays off. This guy needs a large donations ‘bucket’ instead of a small ‘hat’ to fit the incoming support from the standing-spectators at the end of his ‘show’!

Here, mindset equals money… in a very, very strange way. So take the insight, rather than the actual approach, with you in this particular instance!

What do you think of this guy’s approach to making it work?




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