New how-to children’s activity guides are a great inspiration for parents

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Hi A great new series of 20 activity guides from gives parents more than just great ideas for creative kids play. They explain WHY each activity is good for kids, WHATS needed and HOW to do it.

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Ever feel challenged for creative ideas to help you entertain and bond with your kids? Australian parenting website has come to the rescue with the launch of 20 new, free, fun activity guides providing low-cost inspiration for indoor and outdoor play with children.


Link to the guides here:


The guides go beyond just listing ideas and include useful information on the why, what and how of each activity – why the activity is good for children, what is needed for the activity, how to do the activity and also how to adapt the activity to various age groups. They are for parents looking for activities that suit babies and children’s development up to age six.


Play is so important for children as it builds connections in the brain.  We can liken it to ‘fireworks’ going off in the brain enabling children to develop physically, cognitively, socially and emotionally,” says Executive Director, Associate Professor Julie Green.


“Children will play differently as they grow up and our activity guides provide play options from newborns through to the early school years. We hope the guides give parents and professionals working with parents some newideas for creative ways to stimulate children’s play.”


The guides give parents a step-by-step approach to play ideas such as: a listening walk, exploring emotions with puppets, creating a family story book, a treasure hunt, using colour and texture in a collage; building and decorating cubbyhouses; creative fun with playdough; stacking and building games and more.


The activity guides can be found at – is an Australian Government funded online parenting resource that offers evidence-based information about parenting from pregnancy and birth right through to the teenage years. The site’s content is reviewed regularly by experts, making it a reliable, up-to-date source of information for families and professionals working with families.


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