Wardrobe Makeover Times | Inside & Out

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I’m currently undergoing a bit of a wardrobe makeover…. for a few different reasons; firstly, my style (and shape!) is evolving as the ‘twenty-somethings’ are behind me and I’m ticking off the early years of the ‘thirty-somethings’, then I noticed there were some items I had literally not worn for over three years (resulting in a morning-workout, trying to forcibly push hangers apart to find some squashed outfit to wear) and also the fact I’ve been spending more cash on travelling and experiences over the past couple of years, meaning shopping for loads of new clothes has become a relatively foreign activity.


Enter @StyledByJoey, a friend-of-a-friend, who’s started her own Personal Styling business. Last week, we spent an afternoon at my place creating the three piles that would give most of us an uncomfortable level of anxiety just at the thought; the options were “Keep, Maybe & Donate”. The scene was reminiscent of the Sex & The City Movie wardrobe moment where the girls help Carrie through her devastatingly difficult decision making progress. But alas, I found nearly a dozen things that just had to go, and the process (along with a ‘get to know’ interview) helped me identify the exact pieces I was missing, that wouldn’t be too expensive but would allow me to ‘lift’ my overall wardrobe as simple and really necessary additions. This week we’ve been shopping to tick those must-have items off the list, and I am now SO excited about ‘getting ready’ moments (for work or play), despite the fact it used to be I major drag. I’ll be instagramming @StyledByJoey looks on my account @Julie_Anne_Longano if you’re keen to follow.


We put together looks for work, weekends and… of course, ‘the beach’ (which is a very separate and yet completely fun thing to style for). In the past 18 months I’ve been lucky enough to travel to beachside destinations like Hawaii, Mexico, The French Riviera, Barcelona and San Sebastian. I’ve recently written a blog about Taihiti as bucketlist destination, and am sure there are more ‘must go’ destinations like that to come. When planning & packing for travel, think about using a mood board to suit you & the destination (this helps you stick to ‘one’ sarong, ‘one’ kaftan, ‘one’ wide-brimmed hat – so you’re not taking so much duplicated stuff with you that you don’t have room to bring anything back with you.)


In going through this wardrobe transformation I’ve also decided to sort out my luggage (as it just doesn’t seem right using the same shabby suitcase I got from a random department store a decade ago). I travel a fair bit, for work and play, so it is finally time to put my old bags in the “donate” pile and get something that suits the new getup. I’ve been envious of those bags with four wheels that spin in every-direction imaginable for too long now, it’s time to become an owner… these lightweight luggage bags seem make life on the road so much easier, check out some Luggage Direct options here (where I’ve found the RRP to be generally lower than in-store… and if you’ve got some time before your trip, you can keep an eye on mark-down pricing).



So sorted now with my clothes and a case to take them in… now the only question remains, where to next? Did someone say Melbourne Cup long-weekend getaway?  Yes. Yes they did.


This is a sponsored post, all opinions and comments within are truthfully my own.


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